What is Best Scalp Micro pigmentation Pigments?

A Best Scalp Micro pigmentation Pigments uses micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp in a noninvasive manner. By doing so, tiny hair follicles appear which help thicken and restore the appearance of fuller hair.

What are the benefits of Scalp Micro pigmentation?

Use over a long period of time. …

After hair loss solutions and treatments, such as transplants, the hair follicles must be examined and tended to every 4-6 months. The scalp micro pigmentation, on the other hand, can be used for up to three years with minimal maintenance. For fading pigment on the treated scalp, restoration pigmentation is needed.

Does not require extra maintenance. …

Micropigmentation of the scalp requires little to no maintenance. Once you’ve finished your scalp micro-pigmentation sessions, you won’t have to do much to keep it looking good. often recommended that sunscreen and that exfoliation should avoid. Performing these steps will preserve the pigment intensity, allowing you to avoid repeated touch-ups for a while.

Totally Safe. …

Hair loss treatment is generally frowned upon due to concerns about chemicals, surgical procedures, and potential side effects. Scalp micro pigmentation does not involve the use of any chemicals. Pigmentation only requires an electric tattoo needle and a mild anaesthetic to prevent infection and ease any discomfort caused by the needlepoint. Micropigmentation requires no incisions, so no cutting or surgical instruments are necessary.

Is Scalp Micro pigmentation Affordable. …

In comparison to hair transplants, scalp micro pigmentation is less expensive and simpler. In contrast to skin grafts and surgical transplants into the head, this requires no downtime and can last for years before fading or requiring touch-ups.

A minimum of invasion. …

Micropigmentation is describing acupuncture for the scalp. The reason is that it does not require the breaking of the skin and instead uses tiny needles to seamlessly integrate the pigmentation with the skin’s tone. As little discomfort as possible by our hi-tech software and instruments, which make the procedure as quick and painless as possible.

A quick and easy procedure. …

Scalp micro pigmentation does not require invasive procedures or healing time; only a few days need. Micropigmentation is nearly painless, and it only takes a few sessions to achieve a beautiful tattoo. In between sessions, there is no need to heal wounds or remove stitches, just a thorough cleansing of the scalp. Results come after the first session, which takes about a few hours to complete.

Looks realistic. …

Scar coverage is also a great benefit. Micropigmentation on the scalp can conceal and disguise scarring on the scalp and encourage hair growth. Pigment dots will place carefully on blemishes and blended into the hair to conceal them.


Typically, hair loss and thinning come with ageing, and sufferers assume to be older than they actually are. Sometimes people with this condition experience a drop in self-esteem because others assume they are ageing because of their bald spots. While everyone else looks the same, you have a full and thick head of hair, which can be very distracting.

Features of Best Scalp Micro pigmentation Pigments

  • For Scalp Micropigmentation application only. (contains Keratin Hair protein)
  • Choose a colour for different types of scalps: pigment Black, Mid Brown, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Dark Cocoa, Black Brown
  • 10ml bottle (this is not an ink, which is why it does not blur, migrate or change colour)
  • Each Bottle can yield at least 20 scalps completed

Contact us for more details, IOLITE EYELASH is a part of BSI COSMETICS.

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